My fish that wouldn't die

** Note: No fish were harmed...err..killed in the making of this blog.

When Beth and I were first married, we lived in a tiny apartment in Winston-Salem. Knowing Beth's love for pets and my disdain for them, we compromised and got a 10 gallon fish aquarium. I didn't mind fish since I had always had some sort of goldfish growing up. Beth had never had a fish tank so this was a new experience for her.

At first, our fish aquarium was wonderful. We bought some really strong fish, you know the kind that you don't really have to take care of but somehow they still manage to live, and before long we had a budding fish community. Our fish did so well that they started having babies. We would get up each morning and have more and more "Black Molly's" swimming around. When we got to over 50 baby Molly's, we said enough was enough and took all the babies along with the male Molly to a local pet store. I thought about just flushing them but I didn't have the heart.

The fish continued to do well even after our move to Kernersville. That was until our power went off during a snow storm and the fish tank tempature dropped to 50 degrees. By the time the power came back on, all the fish were in shock and died. We bought more fish and they too lived long and healthy lives. Until....

We move into our new home 18 months ago. After the move and setting up the aquarium, it took less then a week for all my fish to die. I just figured it was the shock of the move that did it so I bought more fish. Within 2 months they were all dead also. And so the pattern has been. I buy 4-6 fish and within 2-3 months, they all are dead. We have gone through 20-30 fish since we've been in our new home. I am starting to think our house may be built over an ancient Indian fish burial ground (no offense to Indians or fish)

When I bought my last batch of fish, I decide that was it. If they all died I would give up, pack the aquarium up, and move it to the garage. That was 2 months ago. Then about a month ago it started happening again. One fish died, then another, then another. So I was only left with two fish, a Molly and an Algae Eater. That's when I pulled the plug. I still couldn't stand the thought of flushing live fish so I just unplugged the filter, stopped feeding them, and stopped filling up the water. I figuered they would be dead in a day or 2 anyway, so I would just speed things up. Kind of like the Dr. Kevorkian of fish. After 3 weeks or so, to my amazement, the fish were still alive. The 10 gallon tank had about 3 gallons of water left in it and the water was anything but clear. Beth finally asked me if all the fish had died (she I no idea about my plan to kill off the remaining fish). When I told what I was doing she was appalled and fed the fish. I told her fine but I wouldn't fill the tank back up or cut on the filter. This was now a battle of wills. Could the fish continue to hold out without clean water and consistent feeding or would I crack and give those last 2 fish the proper care they deserved?

This went on for another 2 weeks or so until yesterday when I couldn't take it any more. I gave in and reset my fish tank. I bought a new filter and heater, filled the tank back up, and fed the fish a much over due dinner. Now, with my luck, both of these fish will probably die within the next few days, but at least they'll go out fed and happy. Kudos to those 2 fish. They deserve the "Iron Fish" award.

** Please do not pass this blog along to PETA


Mike G. said…
I just about went there but thought it may be a little over the line. Thanks for for being the man Kipp and pushing this blog to where I was scared to take it!!

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