Better: Week Four

BETTER (week four) WISDOM IS BETTER THAN GOLD · How many of you have important decisions to make? · Date, College, Job, House, Aging Parents, More kids, Stay at home · We make our decisions and our decisions make us. · Who you are today is a result of decisions made yesterday. Who you are tomorrow is a result of decisions made today. · Solomon became King—sacrificed 1000 bulls to the Lord · Lord asked, “What do you want?” · What would you ask for? Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?" 2 Chron. 1:10 · Didn’t ask for wealth, riches, honor, long life, death of enemies · Solomon said, wisdom better than weapons of war, strength, gold. · No answer to prayers? Maybe asking wrong question... · Relationship / different—wisdom. · Financially successful / more money—wisdom. · Please God w...