Showing posts from January, 2013
The Sin of Impatience
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"No-one wants acorns, but everyone wants oaks." ~ Steve Fowler "The greatest temptation of our time is impatience, in its full, original meaning: refusal to wait, undergo, suffer.” ~ Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy For my yearly read-thru the Bible I choose to go the "chronological" route this time. Thank you As you can imagine, it's difficult to read the Bible in chronological order without beginning in the book of Genisis. As I've been re-reading some of the incredible early stories of our faith, I have been drawn to a common theme throughout the entire 50 chapters of Genesis that is still as prevalent today as it was then... The "sin of impatience". Or the more modern wording, "I want it now". Because none of us want to recognize impatience as a sin right? John Piper puts it this way, "Impatience is a form of unbelief. It's what we begin to feel when we start to doubt the wisdom of God...
2013 Church Conferences
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JANUARY 2013 Jan 16 :: Children’s Pastors Conference (Orlando, FL) Speakers: Reggie Joiner, Jim Wideman, Beth Guckenberger, Craig Jutila, Phil Vischer Length: 4 days Cost: $493 Jan 22 :: GCA Church Planting and Renewal Conference (Orlando, FL) Speakers: Josh Bales, RuthAnn Bastone, Stu Batstone, Tim Brister, Tim Cain, Bob Cargo, Steve Childers, Charles Cooper, Sean Cordell, Reggie Kidd, Larry Kirk, Fred Marsh, Randy Nabors, Bob Orner, Randy Pope, Ted Powers, Tami Resch, Tim Rice, Ted Sinn, Ed Stetzer, Mike Tilley, Tom Wood Length: 4 days Cost: $450 FEBRUARY 2013 Feb 6 :: Next Level Conference (Savannah, GA) Speakers : Cam Huxford, Jon Weece, Jim Tune Length : 3 days Cost : $110 Feb 13 :: C3 Conference (Dallas, TX) Speakers : Ed Young, Judah Smith, Steven Furtick, Carl Lentz, Steve Kelly, Lee Strobel, Dr. Ed Young, Kevin Gerald, At Boshoff, Stovall Weems, Terry Crist, Leo Bigger, Buddy Cremeans, Pedro Garcia, Dave Martin, Steve Munsey, Willie George, ...
Billy Joel and Musical Maturity
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There's a game I like to play called, "What did I like when I was my kid's age?" For Joshua it's easy, he's three and enjoys peeing in his pants and watching cartoons, just like dad at his age. Maria is a bit tougher due to the fact I was never a seven year old girl. Substitute Barbie for Luke Skywalker and I guess we're not that much different. We always hear that kids today are growing up way too fast, or at least faster then their parents and grandparents did. But a realization hit me this weekend that makes we question that theory. For our recent trip to Atlanta, I loaded up the cd player (yes we still listen to cd's) with all kinds of tunes for our listening pleasure. One of my all-time favorite artist, and the last performer left on my concert bucket list, is Billy Joel. "The Essential Billy Joel" was one of the first cd's in the changer. Now Billy and I go way back. As we were jamming out to some "Uptown Girl...
The Fence
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The Fence There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold hi ... s temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this o...
2013 Sermon far (sneak peek)
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I had the privilege of sitting down with my lead pastor today to map out our 2013 messages from now thru June. Needless to say I am pumped!! Some amazing topics and scriptures that I can't wait to see how God uses. So here's a sneak peek of what's to come at Main Street Baptist Series: A Simple Life Jan 6 Outer Simple Life (part 2) Guest Speaker Jan 13 Alex McFarland Series: Dangerous Church Jan 20 A Safe Church Jan 27 A Dangerous Church Series: Those People Feb 3 Overly needy People Feb 10 Manipulating People Feb 17 Hypocritical People Feb 24 Critical People Series: “Famous Last Words” Mar 3 “Father, forgive them” Mar 10 “My God, My God, Why?” Mar 17 “It is finished” Mar 24 “Today you will be with me in paradise” Easter 2013 Mar 31 Easter Celebration Service Series: “How to Follow Jesus (without embarrassing God)” Apr 7 How to Follow Jesus (without embarrassing God) Apr 14 How to Exhibit a Christian Lifestyle (w...
Beatitudes of 2013?
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1. Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians — they are my best workers! 2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked — I can use them. 3. Blessed are the touchy who stop going to church — they are my missionaries. 4. Blessed are the troublemakers — they shall be called my children. 5. Blessed are the complainers — I’m all ears to them. 6. Blessed are those who are bored with the minister’s mannerism and mistakes — for they get nothing out of his sermons. 7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church — for he is a part of the problem instead of the solution. 8. Blessed are those who gossip — for they shall cause strife and divisions that please me. 9. Blessed are those who are easily offended — for they will soon get angry and quit. 10. Blessed are those who do not give an offering to carry on God’s work — for they are ...