My Amigos

Last week I made my annual pilgrimage to Estes Park, CO for my Group Workcamp training. One of the best parts about this annual event is seeing people I count as friends even if our paths only cross once a year. I've watched some guys grow from summer staffers to adult leaders (Mike, Todd, Chris) and others grow in their ministries and families (James, Adam, Mike, Shawn) I think you know you've found a kindred spirit when you meet up after a year and it feels like it was just the week before when you last talked to them. I value my "distant" amigos and the few days each spring we get to spend together in one of the most beautiful places in America. Speaking of beautiful places, for the first time I was able to travel with someone instead of by myself. John volunteered last summer as the cafe host and was bit by the "workcamp bug". After a tremendous experience he decided to try his hand at camp director. This was his first training and his first time in the...