My Hero of the Church (The Banned Video)

One of my "hero's" in the modern church is Mark Driscoll who planted and pastor's Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. Mark recently was asked to provide a 8 minute video for a church planting conference in FL. Here is a summary of what happened with the video:

"Apparently the video was shown at the event, was well received by the attendees, and then criticized by Bill Hybels from the stage because it did not speak of women church planters. And, not wanting a bigger fuss, the organization hosting the event then made a decision not to hand out the video as they had promised, leaving the guys from our Acts 29 Church Planting Network who had hauled suitcases of the videos to Florida with thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of wasted effort. The leaders of the event are good guys whom I still consider friends, and I've never met Bill Hybels so I won't speak about him personally. But, I thought we should at least post the banned video online, so here it is:"


Veeno said…
Awesome post Mike. I could not agree with his ideology more- good stuff.

Unknown said…
Cool message that Driscol had. Perhaps with some very simple marketing or adjustment, the video would still be in circulation. Say if it was intitled something like "Winning Men to the Faith" and just had a few lines indicating that this particular film was oriented toward men.

Banning it is a bunch of PC BS. That is a video that would really get men fired up about leadership, but is axed because the guy is focusing on guys. Horrible decision. Thx for posting it.

I would be interested in finding out how many church planters are women (not including PWs).

Finally, although many people would like to deny it, there are substantial differences between the sexes in personal traits. Men have a tendancy to take more risks - as church planting is a very bold and risky profession, I would suspect at least a 10-fold difference between men & women.

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