Christmas for the City 2014...A Look Back...In Her Words

There is no better way to describe the events of last nights annual "Christmas for the City" ( than with the following email I received this morning... Hey Mike!! This was the second year Blair and I volunteered at Christmas for the City, and although we knew that our experience was going to be amazing (because it was last year) we had no idea what we were in store for. We entered our station, Ezra's kitchen, around , a little disappointed that there were cinnamon rolls instead of cookies, but we were still excited about the night ahead of us. We smiled, passed out cinnamon rolls and wished Merry Christmas until about ... And that is when this exhausted woman walked in with a mere look of help me in her eyes. On her back was a one year old who was fast asleep, and in her arms was an 8 month old who was also snoozing, and then closely behind her were two beautiful little girls ages 3 and 8. When she made it to the cinnamon roll table, she ...