My Time On The Farm

My friend Bob Lightner recently planted a church (May '07) and has found what I think is a very unique nitch for reaching the unchurched. His church is call "Philadelphia Fellowship" ( ) and is geared toward people who enjoy the outdoor, farming lifestyle. Not that you have to live or work on a farm to enjoy his church, you just have to have a desire to sometimes get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and want to slow down for at least a couple of hours a week. He took a barn on his 93 acre property and converted it into a very nice place of worship. Last night his congregation held the first of a two night living nativity. My family decided to go check it out and was very impressed with what they had done both as a Christmas outreach to their community and as a new church plant.

Having planted a church I know how hard it can be find your God given gifts and then find the right target group for those gifts to be fully utilized. Bob and the people of Philadelphia Fellowship have found those gifts and are doing everything they can to reach the people they are equipped to reach. if you live near the Kernersville, Walnut Cove, Walkertown, Winston-Salem area I encourage you to check them out.


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