My Day At the Beach

Last week my family and I had the opportunity to spend a few days at beautiful Emerald Isle. My kids are two years and four years old so you can imagine their excitement when we walked onto the beach for the first time. All they wanted to do was build a sand castle, find seashells, catch a fish, and swim in the ocean - all within the first 10 seconds of us being there. After setting up our beach towels, sand toys, and other beach necessities, my four-year-old son proceeded to run as fast as he could toward the water. Like a scene from “America’s Funniest Videos”, my son got as far as knee deep before a wave sent him flying face first into the salty water and sand. He came running back to me with a look of horror. He never saw what hit him but he was sure he didn’t want to go back out there in that big ocean alone. I grab his little hand and encouraged him to follow me. He hesitantly followed behind as first we got our feet wet, then our knees, and then the next thing you know I’m holding him and we’re waist deep. As we continued deeper, he held tightly has we jumped the waves to avoid anymore saltwater headshots. Once we were far enough out, the water was clam and my son was at peace. I eventually had to beg him to go back to our towels. His fear of the unknown ocean was gone and he only wanted to stay longer and go deeper.

I can’t help but think of how often we stand with our feet in the proverbial waters of life, scared to go any deeper for fear we might not be able to keep our heads above water. When the whole time our Father is holding our hand, encouraging us to take that step and trust Him. What water is God asking you to step out in? Why the resistance? If I can convince my four year old that everything will be ok, that when we make out into the deep he knows I won’t let go, how much more then will our heavenly father hold us and keep us safe. But the only way we can test the safety of His grip is to leave the safety of our beach.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


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