My Bracketology
It's that time of the year again when everyone and their mother fills out a NCAA basketball championship bracket. To help feed our addiction to this ever growing phenomenon, Yahoo Sports is letting you fill out 5 brackets under the same Yahoo ID. So since I have five brackets at my disposal, I've decided to conduct a very unscientific experiment. I am filling out all five brackets with totally different ground rules and see which way, if any, works the best. Or is this whole bracket business just chance and dumb luck. My experiment and projected winners are as follows:
My Brain: I picked each game with logic and reason using my knowledge of college basketball. Winner: Florida
My Heart: I picked each game based on my bias opinion of who I wanted to win. Winner: Louisville
My Gut: I looked at each game and picked the winners based on my gut feeling, trying my best not to over think it or let my emotions decided. Winner: Florida
My Top Seeds: I picked the higher seeded team to win each game. Winner: Ohio State
My Coin Flip: I coined flipped every game to decided the outcome. The higher seeds were always heads and I flipped best two out of three for each game. Winner: Georgetown
When this is all over I'll report my findings along with which pick'em style had the highest total of points.