My My Where Has The Time Gone?

I've been really lazy about blogging this month. I thought about telling everyone I had given up blogging for lent and that is why I've been so blog silent but then I'd be in trouble because I have blogged some during lent which would mean I didn't keep my lent commitment very well. So I did decided to come clean and say honestly I just haven't had a ton to say lately. Just a bunch of useless babble like this...

I did buy a new car this week. I liked my Xterra a lot but not as much as I loved my Explorer. The combination of crappy gas mileage and smaller vehicle just got to be to much. I found an unbelievable deal on a 2002 Explorer and jumped on it. I'd post a pic but I just haven't had time to take one.

I tried out a new bike trail the other day. It is 6.8 mile trail around part of Lake Brandt. It was an excellent trail that I can't wait to take Beth to. The trail is listed as a 1.5 on a 4.0 scale but it was plenty challenging for a newbie like me.

I had a cyst removed off my back on Monday. I knot that had been there for over 15 years started to hurt really bad. So I stopped by my doctor's office and before I knew it he was slicing it open with a knife. Not what I was planning for but it did the trick.

I know, this blog is really deep and spiritual.

Let me tell you why NBC sucks. They haven't had a new episode of the Office on in over a month. For a network at the bottom of the ratings week in and week out, you'd think they'd play at least one new episode of one of their highest rated shows at least once in March.

I entered my dad's 1967 Corvette in a car show today in Kernersville. The judging was a little different then most. It was all people's choice and everyone voted by putting money in a bucket in front of your car. The car with the most money at the end of the show won. All the proceeds went to keep up Korner's Folly. Out of 50+ cars we finished 24th. Most of the car owners that won filled their buckets with their own cash. I'm not bitter, I just thought it was funny to see people so obsessed with winning that they would buy a trophy. Dad and I had a good time. It was the first time we had ever done something like that together. Jacob came up for a while too. I always enjoy it when my dad, Jacob, and I are all doing something together. To have 3 generations hanging out is pretty cool to me since I never had a grand dad around to experience that.

Our playroom is almost complete. It should be completely finished within the next 2 weeks.

Easter has really come fast this year. I can't believe it's only a week away.

Did you see where now people / businesses are taking the "Easter" out of Easter Egg Hunts and instead calling it "Spring Egg Hunts"? I'm not sure how I really feel about that. I don't remember Jesus ever mentioning we had to call it Easter or any reference to eggs and bunnies. I'm thinking he wouldn't care what they called it. Although I did see some interviews with local pastors that would argue otherwise.

I've not watched any of American Idol this season but I hear there is a kid everyone hates but he keeps making it through. Good for him. Or should I say good for the people who have made Idol look as ridiculous as it really is.

"Lost" this past week was probably the best written episode they have ever had.

I finally won not one but two games of "Settlers of Catan". Yahoo for me!

Well that's about all the mindless thoughts from my tired lazy brain tat I can muster up this evening. Tomorrow is a new month. I'll do to better.


Unknown said…
Sounds like you have some blogger fatigue. It will go away. You just need some comments to boost your spirit!

As for the "War on Easter": it is definitely a good thing to have the Christian celebration of Christ's resurrection separated from the pagan fertility symbols. If businesses feel they can sell more eggs and bunnies by eliminating the link to Christianity, I welcome it. Hopefully the "Holiday Tree" will take hold and that too will be separated from the Story of the Nativity.

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