Conclave, Buffett, Workouts, And More From The Life Of JG

Conclave '09
Friday and Saturday at Conclave were more of the same: Great main sessions and bad breakout groups. Out of the 5 breakout groups I went to only two were the least bit helpful. The other three were pretty much a waste of time. On Saturday Ergun Caner from Liberty University spoke and blew me away. The guy was amazing and gave possibly the best message I have ever heard directed at ministry leaders. Overall it was a solid conference. Not great but not too bad either.

Jimmy Buffett
In the past year I have been able to mark off two rock icons from my concert bucket list when I finally saw Tom petty and then the Eagles in concert. In April I'll be able to check off one more when Jimmy Buffett makes his way to Raleigh.

Working Out
I've started to really get serious about working out. I've never been much of a gym rat. I just never saw the thrill in lifting weights. So two weeks ago I decided to try a different approach: Fitness classes. I woke up early one Saturday and made my way to a beginners combo class where we'd work on kickboxing, step, power sculpting, and the BOSU ball. At first I felt pretty stupid and was worried I'd have to hand in my "man card" when the class started and I was the only guy in a group of 20+ middle aged women. By the end of the class it was all I could do to keep up with these women and not throw-up in the process. I'm not embarrassed to say they kicked my butt. I could still barely move three days later. Out of all the combo exercises we did, power sculpting appealed to me the most. It gave me a chance to work on cardio along with trying to tone up my blob of a body. The next class I took was one devoted solely to power sculpting and again I was the only guy with at least 20 chicks. This time I felt no embarrassment because I knew what was coming, these ladies would run circles around me in our workout...and they did. Lastly I attempted, with a small degree of success, a 1 hour and 15 min boot camp class. This time I was finally joined by a few other guys but we were still greatly out numbered. The boot camp class is, "A high energy blend of cardio and toning done through drills using a variety of equipment w/ no choreography. (45 min cardio and an additional 30 minutes sculpt & tone) It was by far the hardest I have ever worked out. And I loved it. Now that I have found my workout calling (power sculpt on Monday and boot camp on Thursday) I fully expect to be fit and trim come outdoor soccer season this spring. Speaking of...

Indoor Soccer
I missed my last game of indoor soccer because of the conference I went to but by the sounds of it I didn't miss much. We lost 11-1. Our next game is next Thursday. Maybe we can keep the beating to single digits this time.

Movie Update
I'm a sucker for a good documentary and I have watched several great ones recently. If you have Netflix then all are available for instant download.
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
- Who The #$&% Is Jackson Pollock
- Man On Wire
- The Business of Being Born
- Bigger, Stronger faster
- Jesus Camp
- Wal-Mart: the High Price of Low Cost
- Maxed-Out


Jason Grant said…
Expelled did not hold my interest like I had thought it would.

The High Cost of Low Prices was pretty interesting to me. The subject of employee healthcare is what I found to be most disturbing.

Jesus Camp just generally scared the *you know what* out of me.

What's your thoughts on '... High Cost of Low Prices"?

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