My Bracketology: The Results Blog

At the beginning of the NCAA tournament, I devised and very unscientific research study to see what strategy worked best when filling out my bracket. As a refresher from a previous blog, this was the out come of my picks along with my various strategies:

My Brain: I picked each game with logic and reason using my knowledge of college basketball. Winner: Florida

My Heart: I picked each game based on my bias opinion of who I wanted to win. Winner: Louisville

My Gut: I looked at each game and picked the winners based on my gut feeling, trying my best not to over think it or let my emotions decided. Winner: Florida

My Top Seeds: I picked the higher seeded team to win each game. Winner: Ohio State

My Coin Flip: I coined flipped every game to decided the outcome. The higher seeds were always heads and I flipped best two out of three for each game. Winner: Georgetown

There were 63 possible picks throughout the entire tournament. I will give my results in order of best to worst and highlight the ones I was able to pick the winner with. Now for the results...

My Gut Picks: 51 of 63 picks correct including the winner.

My Brain Picks: 50 of 63 picks correct including the winner.

My Top Seeds Picks: 48 of 63 picks correct.

My Heart Picks: 36 of 63 picks correct.

My Coin Flip Picks: 27 of 63 picks correct.

So after further review go with your gut, and if you have to think about it.


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