My My Where Has The Time Gone?
I've been really lazy about blogging this month. I thought about telling everyone I had given up blogging for lent and that is why I've been so blog silent but then I'd be in trouble because I have blogged some during lent which would mean I didn't keep my lent commitment very well. So I did decided to come clean and say honestly I just haven't had a ton to say lately. Just a bunch of useless babble like this... I did buy a new car this week. I liked my Xterra a lot but not as much as I loved my Explorer. The combination of crappy gas mileage and smaller vehicle just got to be to much. I found an unbelievable deal on a 2002 Explorer and jumped on it. I'd post a pic but I just haven't had time to take one. I tried out a new bike trail the other day. It is 6.8 mile trail around part of Lake Brandt. It was an excellent trail that I can't wait to take Beth to. The trail is listed as a 1.5 on a 4.0 scale but it was plenty challenging for a newbie like me. I h...