My Random Thoughts Again

It's good to be home. I really missed my family last week while I was away in Colorado. Beth and I love to travel so whenever I am away at a place where I know she would love to be also, everything I see / experience causes me to think of how much she would have enjoyed it. It's also tough now that the kids are getting older when I see things I know they'd like too. For instance, on Thursday morning I woke up and looked out my window to see three elk standing right outside my room eating grass. Jacob would have flipped out.

I was asked by another former youth to perform her wedding ceremony. That means I will be doing one in August, September, and next May. It really makes me feel old to see these kids growing up and getting married. It was just eight years ago these same kids were at my wedding. They were in middle school and Beth and I were young 23 year olds. We didn't seem as young then as they do now to be getting married.

I finished reading "Prince Caspian", the fourth book in the Narnia series while in CO. It was ok at best. I think the movie will be much better. "The Magician's Nephew" is still my favorite out of all the Narnia books I've read.

I almost finished with Brian McLaren's book, "Generous Orthodoxy". It was high recommended to me by several of my pastor friends. I will have a separate blog once I'm finished to give my thoughts on it, him, and the emergent church movement.

Let me set the record straight, Aaron sucks at NCAA 2K6 on X-Box 360. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Kipp is a living legend on it.

It was great to hang out with Ben S. yesterday. Ben was in the 9th grade when I started at Shady Grove. Now he's a college grad and works at BB&T. It was good to see that corporate America hasn't changed him one bit.

Kirsten V. throws one heck of a party. Me and the guys just stopped by to say hey to a couple of people we hadn't seen in a while, but her party for Kristie H. was so good we couldn't leave. It was the best wedding shower I have ever been to. Kudos to Kirsten!!

Church was very cool yesterday. We had a semi-silent service. We wrapped up both services with a silent communion. It was good to just be still, rest, and shut up and listen for a change. We should do services like that more often.

We have our best lead yet on a new church facility. I don't want to get my hopes up because it seems to good to be true. The pessimistic in me says it probably is. Great location, layout, and price. We'll see.

I updated my 2006 Book List and my Seinfeld quotes. If anyone has a suggestion for a book I should read or your favorite Seinfeld quote, just pass it on to me. Thanks.

Last thing., my predictions for the NBA & NHL playoffs......Heat in seven games, 'Canes in five.

Nuff said.


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