I can only hope I'm as happily married as this guy when I'm 80
If I'm nothing else I know I'm at least an "awkward conversation" magnet. No matter where I am complete strangers have this uncanny knack for telling me way more very awkward information then I care to know. This past Sunday morning on my way to church was no exception. The following was told to me by a very grumpy 80+ year old man while standing in line at Food Lion while he was buying cigarettes...
Old man: "Everyday it seems I'm in here buying these @#$& cigarettes for my wife. She goes through a box in three days. That's $25 every three @#$& days! And If I get the wrong ones she yells at me to take them back and I tell her to take them back her own @#$& self!
Me: You don't say?
Old man: I guess I'd divorce her if I weren't so old.
Me: Yep
Old man: You know why I keep buying them for her?
Me: Nope
Old man: I keep buying them 'cause I'm hoping they'll hurry up and kill her.
Me: (speechless)
Old man: "Everyday it seems I'm in here buying these @#$& cigarettes for my wife. She goes through a box in three days. That's $25 every three @#$& days! And If I get the wrong ones she yells at me to take them back and I tell her to take them back her own @#$& self!
Me: You don't say?
Old man: I guess I'd divorce her if I weren't so old.
Me: Yep
Old man: You know why I keep buying them for her?
Me: Nope
Old man: I keep buying them 'cause I'm hoping they'll hurry up and kill her.
Me: (speechless)
Just think, that guy could visit with you every Sunday.
In my opinion, that is the funniest encounter you've yet reported. That old man's a riot! Makes you wonder what his wife is like.