My Top Reads of 2008

The was a good year of book reading. Over half (11 out of 20) of the books I read in 2008 I'd classify as 4 stars. I tried to be a lot more deliberate in my reading choices this year read and not just read whatever book caught my eye or was passed on to me. In 2009 I've decided not to read a single book until I've read through the Bible again. I find myself only reading the Bible as a source of sermon, bible study, or counseling prep and not just for the shear enjoyment of the greatest book ever written . I'm trying a fresh approach to my walk through the Bible this time around as I'll be reading "The Book of God" by Walter Wangerin. Walter has taken the Bible, arranged it in chronological order, and wrote it in novel form. Should be good stuff!!

Anyway, here are my favorite books of 2008:

1) "The Shack" by William P. Young - 4 Stars
2) "Confessions of a Pastor" by Craig Groeschel - 4 Stars
3) "Quiet Strength" by Tony Dungy - 4 Stars
4) "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne - 4 Stars
5)"Dinner with a Perfect Stranger" by David Gregory - 4 Stars
6) "Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker - 4 Stars
7) "Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham - 4 Stars
8) "11: Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without" by Leonard Sweet - 4 Stars
9) "Walk-On" by Alan Willams - 4 Stars
10) "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan - 4 Stars
11) "Getting Fired For the Glory of God: Collected Words Of Mike Yaconelli For Youth Workers" - 4 Stars


Michelle T said…
I loved "The Shack" He spoke at Grace Community Church in GSO in the August. We went to hear him and he was very good. You can get the 2 sermons/talks off thier web site. I also loved "Skipping Christmas".

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