His Story: March of Dimes

The following is an email from my friend Rick I wanted to pass along...


I will be participating in March of Dimes March for Babies, the walk that has been saving babies for more than 30 years. I am walking to raise funds to support research and that could halt the escalating number of premature births - up 27% since 1981.

As some of you know, August 24, 2004 my son Logan was born 3.5 months premature. So I`m walking for him. He is doing a lot better now. He was born at 1lb 6oz. He was finally able to come home May of 2005. He is doing so much better this year. He can now roll over and get on his hands with his head high in the air. We think he has said his first word (of course it was Mom). The nurses are encourging us, telling us that they think he will be able to walk someday. He is still way behind, but will eventually catch up.

Logan was able to do his first walk last year (well in a stroller), hopefully this will be his first walk in his wheelchair.

If you would like to support Rick, his family, and this amazing cause you can submit a donation here: www.marchforbabies.org/rdemers25


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