My Springer Show

My grandma had two loves: soap operas and Jerry Springer. Even on her death bead nine years ago she would faithfully watch "The Jerry Springer Show" every afternoon.

When Beth and I decided to use her trip to Chicago for a conference as a mini vacation, I immediately started to research all there was to see and do there. We have purchased "City Passes" that will get us in to such tourist favorites as the Field Museum, Hancock Observatory, Shedd Aquarium, Adler planetarium, and The Museum of Science and Industry along with tickets to see "Wicked" on Broadway. One of Chicago's more recent favorite attractions is "The Jerry Springer Show". It's based in Chicago and has daily taping during certain months. November being one of those months. They advertise that tickets to see it are free, all you have to do is request them online. So a couple of months ago, that's what I did.

Today I got the call. My ticket request had been approved. Beth and I will be heading to "The Jerry Springer Show". We've got tickets to a Friday afternoon taping at 4:00pm in the NBC Studios.

My grandma would be so proud.

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


Brandon said…
you need to be sure to stand up and scream out a large amount of explicatives....when in rome...

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