My Observations

"We are not bodies with a soul but souls with a body" - C.S. Lewis (chew on that for a while)

Why do people get so upset when they are treated a certain way (ex. ignored, shunned, avoided, etc.) but turn around and do the same thing to someone else? Shouldn't we treat people the way we want to be treated?

"Lost" and "The Nine" come on tonight. That's my entertainment for the evening.

I ate at "Carter Bros" last night. It had been a long time since I was there. I forgot how good their Bar-B-Que is. It is the best I've ever eaten.

I'm currently reading "Between a rock and a hard place". It's about the guy who was hiking in Utah and a boulder fell on his arm. He ends up having to cut off his arm with knife to try to survive. I hope that never happens to me.

Tonight feels like a "Sloppy Joe" and fries night. Only the best food for our health conscious family.

I enjoy our Wednesday morning Bible studies at Panera. It's a great pick-me-up not only for the day but for the week. Today we talked about Jesus getting angry and frustrated at religious people and their "stubborn hearts" (Mark 3:5) I too get angry and frustrated at people who claim the name of Christian but then sit on their stubborn butts and do NOTHING for Jesus except point out what is wrong with others and only do things that will benefit themselves. I guess I am a lot like Jesus

Beth turns 32 later this month. Boy is she getting old. but in her defense, she doesn't look or act a day over 25.

Wake lost their first game this past week. I'm hurt but at least they are still 5-1. The same can't be said for UNC, Duke, or NCSU. Now NCSU fan will point to their 2 upsets of BC and FLA. ST. But I say what about Akron? UNC and Duke fan will say they only root for UNC/Duke in basketball. To which I say they are not a real fan of either school then. Wake fans are the most loyal. We know our teams will stink most years so we savor the few and far between years like this one.

Sasha and I went out yesterday. Bad mistake. We chose to go for a ride after I had finished mowing the yard. Mowing with a push mower and weed-eater (not weed whacker)takes more out of you then you think, so after about a mile of riding, I was spent. I went inside and collapsed on my floor. I really thought that was how I would die. That Beth would come home and find my sweaty, grass covered body dead in our living room. She would mistakenly believe the mowing did it when in reality Sasha was the silent killer.

I got my summer plans finalized this past week. Beth and I will be heading to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi for a Katrina recovery camp next June. Then I'll be pastor for the week at Camp Merriwood in July.

Speaking of traveling, Beth and I will be heading off to Chicago for a few days very soon. We've never been so I am looking forward to it. We already have our city passes to get into places like the Field Museum and the Aquarium. Also we have tickets to see "Wicked". I'm trying to get tickets to either Oprah or Jerry Springer. I'm not a fan of either one but it would be cool to see them since they are such huge (no offense Oprah) pop icons.

Well that's about it. Goodbye now.


The Vogels said…
Hee Hee. you said huge.

about Oprah. That's funny because she is huge.

Hee Hee

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