Where has the time gone? (Golf, Movies, Music, and Our New House)

It seems like forever since I've blogged anything of importance. (Some would argue I never have) Not that I haven't had lots to blog about, I've just been so busy I just haven't had the time. I'll try now to fill in the gaps in the life of this Jesusgreek...

So I was pretty bummed last month when I got to go to the Masters practice round and never got to see Tiger. My lack of a Tiger sighting only fueled my desire to see the greatest golfer ever at some point in my life. I decided to keep a close eye on the Quail Hollow Championship that was to be played in Charlotte to see if Tiger would enter. He waited until the last possible minute to commit but once he did I grab up a couple of Thursday first round tickets and pastor Mike and I headed down. Tiger tee'd off at 7:40am and we arrived at 7:30am. Our strategy was simple: let the thousands that were following him in his gallery go from hole to hole while we skipped ahead and waited. This worked to perfection. While Tiger and everyone else was on #1, we were on the #3 green with a front row view. When Tiger finished #3 we headed to # 5 for another front row view. I only got to see Tiger play half the holes this way but I was within touching distance on almost all of the ones I saw him play. He is as good and as big a celebrity in person as he is on television. he's like a rock star out there. I have no idea how he concentrates. By comparison, Masters champ Cabrera had about 20 people following him when we stopped to watch him play one of his holes. I can now mark "See Tiger Woods play in person" off my bucket list.

Speaking of golf, I'm really making my first concerted effort ever to get better at playing golf. I've never put much time into practice since at most I play 6-8 times a year. I've recently decided that if I was going to play even that little amount that I mine as well be the best I can at it versus going out and getting frustrated because I'm so bad. I usually shoot around 100 (98 on a good round, 102 on a bad one) I've started going to the driving range near my home once a week and even watched some golf instructional videos on netflix. I like to think it's paying off. On Monday I shot a 45 on 9 holes which is really good for me. It was highlighted by my first ever near miss hole-in-one. I drove a par 4 290 yard green and the ball rolled about 2 feet from the hole.

I had a chance to catch the new "Wolverine: X-Men Origins" last weekend and it was in one word - Awesome! I was as good if not better then any of the other X-men films (which I have loved all 3) The action, story, and special effects are all top-notch. 4-Stars

I bought the new "Jars of Clay" and "Kristian Stanfill" CD's last week and both are two of the most refreshing music purchases I've made in a while. Kristian Stanfill is cut out of the Passion mold and if you love Crowder, Hall, and Tomlin then you'll love this. The new Jar's CD is exactly what you'd expect from one of the greatest Christian bands of all time. Great lyrics, different musical styles on each song, terrific depth, melodies, and arrangements. This CD is so different from "Good Monsters" that at times you question if it's event the same band, and GM was album of the year. So why change a good thing? Because that's who JOC is and that's what they do. 4 Stars for both!!

New House
On Monday we signed the buyers agreement on our new home. No we're not moving to Iowa like some thought. We're staying in K-vegas for what appears to be our last move until the kids are grown and gone. Here's a couple of pics for now:


creesta said…
Congrats on the new house!!
Ryan said…
now you have the house to go with the politics. joking. I loved Wolverine too.

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