My Highs and Lows

As of Tuesday, Beth and I are 100% debt free except for our house. After paying off my Explorer yesterday, we are now for the first time in our lives free from any car payments, student loan payments, credit card payments, or any "other" payment. Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard would be proud.

Half my family is sick with strep throat. Beth was diagnosed with it on Sunday and Jacob yesterday. Maria and I have them locked away in quarantine until all is safe.

Within the next ten days I will officiate two weddings and take our youth on an inner city mission trip to Atlanta.

Within the next ten days I will officiate two weddings and take our youth on an inner city mission trip to Atlanta. What was I thinking??????

I have just finalized plans to take a group of 15 to Mexico City for a mission trip in October. (More on that in a later post)

Now we have less then 3 months to raise $800 a piece to go.

My buddy Ryan suggested a new TV show to check out. Which I did and I immediately got hooked. The show is "Dexter". It's as almost as well written as "Lost".

Highs (Yes, two in a row. Who wants to end on a low note)
I saw a bumper sticker the other day on a new Mercedes SUV. The sticker was pink and white with a breast cancer ribbon on it. The car was driven by a middle age, high society type lady. The sticker read: "Save the Ta-Tas". That's funny I don't care who you are. I did look up the bumper sticker online to see if it was an official breast cancer slogan and was surprised to find this

That's about it. Just a few little tidbits I wanted to share but none felt worthy enough for their own blog posting.


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