My Wonderful World Of Disney

Man, I can't believe how long it's been since my last blog. I've gotten really lazy. So what have I been doing since my previous post over 2 weeks ago? Well I spent time getting ready to take my family to "The happiest place on earth" (Their words not mine), actually traveling to and spending a week at Disney World, then spending the past few day in recovery from all that dang "happiness" they pour on you down in Mouseville.
Overall it was a great vacation spent with my terrific family and some wonderful friends. We spent 2 days at The Magic Kingdom, 2 days at Sea World, 1 day at Animal Kingdom, and 1 day at MGM. As per my previous post that highlight my travels, I will give my "best of" and "worst of" the trip along with a bonus ranking of all the major theme parks in Orlando (with & w/o kids)
Best Of...
1) Seeing our kids react to meeting the Disney characters. To Jacob and Maria, it was like meeting their heroes.
2) Seeing our kids on all the rides.
3) Seeing our kids at the water / kids park at Sea World.
4) Seeing the kids at the petting zoo at Animal Kingdom.
5) A great time spent with good friends (John and I are the Rook Kings!!)
6) Riding with the driver on the monorail. What a great way to end the trip.
7) The Weather. 75-85 degrees almost everyday.
8) "Discovery Church" which we visited on Sunday.
9) My giant turkey leg.
10) Space Mountain. Just like Ric Flair says, "It may be the oldest ride in the park but it still has the longest line".
11) Getting John who hates roller coasters on a ride (Atlantis at Sea World).
Worst Of...
1) The four of us sharing one small bedroom
2) The drive down and back. 11 1/2 hours each way with a 3 year old and an 18 month old is enough to make you want to drive your mini van off a bridge. (side note: we don't actually own a mini van, we rented one for the trip)
3) The over-rated rides (Everest & Tower of Terror)
4) Pushy people. I guess because this is every family's ultimate vacation destination, they all treat each other like they are the guest of honor and should be recognized as such.
5) Orlando has become a giant tourist trap
Since I have now been to all 7 of Orlando's major theme parks, I feel I can give an expert opinion of which to hit and which to avoid:
Orlando Theme Park Rankings (W/O Kids)
1) Islands Of Adventure
2) Magic Kingdom
3) Sea World
4) Universal
5) Epcot
6) Animal Kingdom
7) MGM
Orlando Theme Park Rankings (With Kids)
1) Magic Kingdom
2) Sea World
3) Animal Kingdom
4) Islands Of Adventure
5) Universal
6) Epcot
7) MGM