My Half Day Off

Why do I feel so guilty about taking time off?

Today Stanley and I headed out to "Winding Creek" golf course for a morning of golf. From the minute we set up our time to meet last night, I started to feel an enormous amount of guilt. Did I really have the time to go play nine holes of golf? Did I really have the extra money? Was it fair that I got to go play a game while my wife was at work and my mom was at home watching my kids? What about all the work I had to do at church?

Why do I feel so guilty about taking a couple of hours off for myself?

On the holes I was able to block out my guilt, it was fun, relaxing, and I actually played pretty well. On the holes where the guilt crept back in, I was anxious, hurried, and played horribly. How do guys do it? How can guys just get away and not feel the tiniest amount of guilt? I guess the real question is how can pastors do it?

To make matters worse, I totally blew up on the last 2 holes and Stanley came from 4 strokes down to beat me by one.

I often preach on taking time for yourself and resting. That's the example God set. Why do we think we are better off ignoring that example?

I need to practice what I preach.


Veeno said…
This Sunday's sermon will probably suck because you were goofing off instead of studying the scriptures!
Janel said…
I struggle with this A LOT. I always feel guilty when I am chilaxin! =) Glad you had some "me" time!

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