As I shared with my congregation this past Sunday, I've been visiting a councilor for about 2 months now. Without getting into the long explanation as to why, what's more important is what I have learned about myself and what the causes were that put me there. I basically was empty. My tank was dry and I was running on fumes. The problem was the only tank I cared about was my spiritual tank. What I've come to learn is God has designed us all with five equally important areas of our lives. And when even one of them get neglected, or four in my case, your life as you know it begins to shut down. What are those five areas? Spiritual: "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Mark 1:35 We need to spend time daily communicating with God through prayer. I was trying my best to keep this tank filled and neglected the others. Physical: “For physical training is of some value......